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IHE Report
Hofmarcher T, Keel G, Lindgren P

Cancer care and access to cancer drugs in Asia-Pacific – Main report

IHE has just published a series of reports on cancer and cancer drugs in Asia-Pacific. This region covers half of the world’s population and also accounts for half of all cancer deaths worldwide. The challenges are many and differ between geographic locations.

14 countries and locations (called “markets” in the report) are compared. They are grouped into 7 high-income markets (Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan) and 7 middle-income markets (China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam).

The report was funded by Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD). Responsibility for the analysis, interpretations, and conclusions, as well as errors or omissions lies solely with the authors.

Q&A – About the series of reports on cancer and cancer drugs in Asia-Pacific

Prioritizing the fight against cancer in Asia in a post-COVID-19 world – Blog article written by Thomas Hofmarcher for Asia Pathways. Posted August 31, 2022.

Previously published sub-report on cancer care and access to cancer drugs in Asia-Pacific:

Cancer care and access to cancer drugs in Asia-Pacific – Introduction
IHE Report 2021:3a, IHE: Lund, Sweden

Cancer care and access to cancer drugs in Asia-Pacific – Executive summary
IHE Report 2021:3b, IHE: Lund, Sweden

The burden of cancer in Asia-Pacific
IHE Report 2021:3c, IHE: Lund, Sweden

Health spending on cancer in Asia-Pacific
IHE Report 2021:3d, IHE: Lund, Sweden

Patient access to innovative cancer drugs in Asia-Pacific
IHE Report 2021:3e, IHE: Lund, Sweden

Health spending on cancer drugs and unmet patient needs in Asia-Pacific
IHE Report 2021:3f, IHE: Lund, Sweden

Pricing policies for off-patent drugs in Asia-Pacific
IHE Report 2021:3g, IHE: Lund, Sweden

For more information, please contact Thomas Hofmarcher

IHE Report 2021:3, IHE: Lund, Sweden