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IHE Forum

IHE Forum är en policybaserad, två-dagars årlig konferens där hälso- och sjukvårdens aktörer (industrin, nationella myndigheter, patienter och hälso- och sjukvården) möts och diskuterar aktuella ämnen. IHE Forum is a yearly policy oriented 2-day conference where the different stakeholders in the health care system (industry, national authorities, health care providers and payers and patients) meet to discuss current topics.

IHE Forum is a yearly policy oriented 2-day conference where the different stakeholders in the health care system (industry, national authorities, health care providers and payers and patients) meet to discuss current topics.

The first IHE Forum held in 1993 had 200 participants debating the future of the health care system including financing, organization and prioritizations.

Our ambition is that IHE Forum provides an arena for knowledge exchange between academia and decision makers throughout the health care sector. The conference should cover health economic topics that the stakeholders consider central for the development of the health care system. This could cover a diverse range of topics, from financing and organization, to the functioning of the pharmaceutical market.

Read more about IHE Forum on our Swedish pages