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IHE discusses health literacy at World Cancer Congress 2024

IHE has during the last two years published several policy reports on breast cancer in different geographic regions of the world, and more recently another report on endometrial cancer.

At the World Cancer Congress 2024, IHE’s Thomas Hofmarcher participates in a panel discussion on health literacy in women’s cancers pathways. An upcoming report by Dr. Urška Košir from the Global Health Literacy Academy serves as the basis for the discussion.

Thomas will reflect on challenges that women are facing in their care pathway in breast cancer and endometrial cancer and which of those challenges relate to health literacy and how it can be addressed.

IHE global compendium report on breast cancer

IHE report on endometrial cancer

Title: Health literacy in women’s cancers pathways NEW Report – Understanding to empower
Name of Presenter: Thomas Hofmarcher
Conference: World Cancer Congress 2024
Place: Geneva, Switzerland
Date: September 17-19, 2024

For more information, please contact Thomas Hofmarcher