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Launch of the Lung Cancer Dashboard for Poland

Manxhuka B, Hofmarcher T

What is the current status of lung cancer care in Poland? This dashboard-style report provides a visual description of selected performance indicators in all areas of lung cancer care.

The dashboard includes comparisons between voivodeships and with the Visegrád countries  and the EU average. For every indicator, the dashboard gives recommendations to improve the status quo. The purpose of the dashboard is to support the implementation of the National Oncology Strategy 2020-2030, the National Lung Cancer Strategy as well as other ongoing initiatives to improve lung cancer control in Poland.

Part of the analysis also rests on data coming from a unique collaboration with the Polish. National Cancer Registry, which resulted in the report “Lung cancer survival rates in Poland

The launch of the dashboard was marked by a public presentation at the conference “33rd Economic Forum” on September 4, 2024 in Karpacz, Poland.

For more information, please contact Thomas Hofmarcher

Cancer Dashboard for Poland – Lung cancer, IHE 2024, Lund, Sweden