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IHE Report
/Market access and reimbursement
Norlin J, Althin R, Schmitt-Egenolf M & Persson U

An outcome-based payment model for biologic agents in psoriasis

The willingness to pay for pharmaceuticals has shifted from safety and efficacy to treatment outcomes in clinical practice. Decision-makers increasingly require evidence based on Real-World Data in addition to the traditional randomized clinical trial data. The development of adaptive licensing, with the purpose of faster access, provides new opportunities for alternative payment models.

The landscape of biological drugs for psoriasis is changing due to the introduction of new biosimilars as well as from new efficacious interleukin inhibitors. An alternative payment model that links payment to outcomes could help enabling faster uptake of biosimilars as well as new innovative psoriasis treatments. The Swedish register for systemic treatment of Psoriasis, PsoReg, provides a possibility to simulate what the effect would be if the alternative payment models were to be implemented, based on Real-World Data.

A round table discussion was held with stakeholders representing clinical dermatologists, manufacturers, and regional and national payer representatives. In the report summarizing these discussions, Real-World data from PsoReg was used to simulate the outcome-based payment results when applying the payment model to the real  use of biologic agents.

This report is the result of a project funded by AbbVie, Eli Lilly, Novartis and Janssen.

Lund, Sweden: IHE Report 2018:2