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Policy and preferences

We work continuously with policy analysis based on health economic thinking. Some examples of overarching themes are:

International and regional comparisons
IHE has carried out several studies, including both international and regional comparisons, mainly in terms of access to healthcare.

Among other things, IHE has published a number of reports evaluating cancer care in different European countries. The reports illustrate patients’ access to cancer drugs, the epidemiological and financial burden of cancer, entry barriers to the market and the development of recent decades.

By collecting and analyzing extensive data and discussing how investments in cancer care can be balanced, the series of reports are intended to form the basis for discussions among stakeholders at both national and European level.

IHE has also conducted studies comparing screening programs, treatment guidelines and compensation systems between countries and regions. Due to our extensive experiences in comparative studies, IHE often participates in round table discussions on healthcare improvements and pharmaceutical strategies.

Patient preferences
Understanding how patients and society value health is central to sound decision-making. IHE has extensive experience in evaluating preferences for quality of life and healthcare. This includes quality of life instruments and other techniques such as willingness-to-pay, time trade-off and standard gamble. We have estimated the value of a statistical life (VSL) in the transport sector and conducted multiple studies of the value of a quality adjusted life year (QALY). We have also carried out comparative studies between the methods or preference evaluation and we actively drive method development within valuation issues.

Payment models
The need for performance-based compensation of health care interventions will likely increase in the future, not least in view of the gradual introduction of new drugs and curative treatments at high costs. IHE has extensive experience and a solid interest in developing alternative payment models that aim to:
• reduce uncertainties in costs and clinical outcomes
• optimize and individualize the treatment and thereby avoid over- or undertreatment
• result in faster uptake of new, effective medicines
• stimulate the development of new technologies

Analysis of healthcare efficiency
IHE has leading expertise in DEA (Data Envelope Analysis), a non-parametric method for empirically measuring production efficiency given certain input values. DEA is well suited for evaluating complex production situations, such as a changing healthcare sector with challenges such as a constant introduction of new technologies. By identifying production fronts, DEA can be used to guide decision-making bodies to best practices.

IHE has experience in applying the DEA method in issues related to European cancer care, the Swedish pharmacy market, psoriasis and cataracts.