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IHE Covid-19

Here we collect information about published material from IHE about covid-19.

IHE report about Covid-19 in Europe
Persson U, Geoffard P-Y, Möller J, Brådvik G. An analysis of behaviour, health, and GDP during the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe. IHE REPORT 2025:1, IHE: Lund, Sweden.
Read more and download the report

25 APRIL 2023
IHE’s Gunnar Brådvik participated with the presentation “Movement trends in the EU during the covid 19 pandemic” (Session 2B: Policy evaluation and distributional impact) in a conference hosted by SHEA in Stockholm.

20 APRIL 2023
Chen J, Gong CL, Persson U, Gu NY. A cross-country comparison of health-related quality of life in the United States, Sweden, and Norway during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Archive of Public Health. 2023 Apr 20;81(1):58.
Read more and download the article

8 JUNE 2022
Persson U. “Comment on L. Hultkrantz & M. Svensson: The economic cost of COVID-19: Iceland, Norway, and Sweden” in ”Covid-19 Effects on the Economy in the Nordics”, Nordic Economic Policy Review 2022, page 137-141

This issue of the Nordic Economic Policy Review surveys the economic repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the health and economic policies introduced to minimise its impact in the Nordic countries. Although national policies were broadly similar, they also differed in many respects. Given that some enjoyed greater success than others, comparing different policies and their effects may yield valuable lessons for the future. Nordic Economic Policy Review (NEPR) aims to convey policy-relevant, up to date research on different economic issues. Read more and download

New IHE publication in the Nordic Journal of Health Economics on the health-related quality-of-life in the Swedish general population, using survey data from before the outbreak of the pandemic and at the peak of the first (April 2020) and second (January 2021) wave of the pandemic. Read more and download the article

2 MARCH 2021
IHE’s senior advisor Ulf Persson participated in the online conference “Covid-19 Pandemic and Role of Health Technology Assessment” hosted by Health Policy and Technology Assessment,  GraSPP, University of Tokyo.

IHE participated in COVID-19 KI webinar

7 OCTOBER 2020
New IHE publications on QALY loss during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden

9 JULY 2020
Sweden’s vaccine coordinator – IHE board member

26 MAY 2020
Article on
As Europe comes out of lockdown, what lessons can be learned from Sweden?
“Making comparisons between countries and even within areas of the same countries can be fraught when so many factors play a part, warns Peter Lindgren, Managing Director at the Swedish Institute for Health Economics.“We have the same measures throughout Sweden and very different infection rates and death rates,” he tells The Local.”

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