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IHE Report
Hofmarcher T, Lindgren P, Wilking N

Cancer Care in Türkiye in a European Context

This report explores the state of cancer care in Türkiye. The report builds on a comprehensive analysis of publicly available data and published literature. Drawing on a comparative analysis with three European countries (Belgium, France, Poland), the report describes the disease burden and economic burden of cancer. The report also analyzes three key areas of cancer control: governance, screening, diagnosis and treatment. Based on the analysis, recommendations for future improvements of cancer care in Türkiye are provided.

Key findings:
• Cancer is the second-leading cause of death and the leading cause of the overall burden of disease in Türkiye
• The annual number of new cancer cases in Türkiye could almost double to 400,000 cases until 2040, driven mostly by demographic changes
• Cancer survival has improved in Türkiye, yet if survival rates were on par with France, thousands of deaths could be avoided every year
• The estimated economic burden of cancer amounted to €2.48 billion or €30 per capita in 2019

Main recommendations:
• The governance of cancer care needs a revival
• Decision-making in cancer care should be supported by relevant local data
• Screening activities need to address awareness challenges in the population
• The cancer patient pathway needs to be optimized
• Medical staff, treatment facilities, and diagnostic testing need to be geared to future requirements in the provision of modern cancer care
• New advances in radiation therapy should be incorporated to free up resources
• Patient access to newer cancer medicines is limited in a European context, but could be improved by a stronger consideration of health benefits in relation to costs in decision-making

This report was commissioned and funded by Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) and based on independent research delivered by IHE. MSD has had no influence or editorial control over the content of this report, and the views and opinions of the authors are not necessarily those of MSD. The report was developed in close alignment with The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV).

For more information, please contact Thomas Hofmarcher

IHE Report 2022:10, IHE: Lund, Sweden