IHE deltar vid SMDM 2023 i Berlin
Michael Willis från IHE kommer att delta i två workshops vid SMDM-Society for Medical Decision Making 21-23 maj.
Issue Panel 1C: Proving health economics models are valid – why, how and who?
Chair: Talitha Feenstra (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands)
Amanda Adler, University of Oxford, UK
Xavier Pouwels, University of Twente, Netherlands
Michael Willis, The Swedish Institute of Health Economics, Sweden
An Tran-Duy, University of Melbourne, Australia
Issue Panel 3L: Taking model validation and uncertainty analysis to the next level. Experience from the Mount Hood Diabetes Challenges
Chair: Philip Clarke (University of Oxford, UK)
Michael Willis, The Swedish Institute of Health Economics, Sweden
An Tran-Duy, University of Melbourne, Australia
Philip Clarke, University of Oxford, UK
Talitha Feenstra, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Netherlands
Name of conference: Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) 18th Biennial European Conference
Place: Berlin, Germany
Date: May 21-23, 2023
The Society for Medical Decision Making aims to advance medical decision-making research and practice to improve health outcomes. Members work together with patients, clinicians, researchers, policy-makers and the public to improve the quality, patient-centeredness, and value of health decisions.