Jönsson B, Kobelt G, Motlagh A, Wilking U & Wilking N
An assessment of breast cancer and its management in Iran
This research report aims at identifying the burden of breast cancer in Iran and explore how the health care system’s organization, financing and resource management impact services and outcomes for breast cancer.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. The disease panorama differs across regions and countries, but the burden of cancer is increasing everywhere.
In this report, the authors give a comprehensive overview of breast cancer in Iran. This is done by analyzing not only the epidemiology of the disease but also its associated costs and disease burden along with an overview of the medical developments in the field. Although the disease burden of breast cancer in Iran is high and increasing, medical advances and improved infrastructure help alleviate the problem.
The project aims to support Iranian health authorities in identifying and prioritizing policy options for improving breast cancer care and patient outcomes.
The report is entirely based on publicly available data (in English). Responsibility for the analysis and conclusions lies solely with the authors.
Lund, Sweden: IHE Report 2019:3